S23 Ultra Case de Silicona

Flat lay of Galaxy S23 Ultra phones wearing colorful Silicone Cases facedown.

Agarre suave con aspecto elegante

El exterior liso del estuche de silicona no solo proporciona un agarre cómodo, sino que agrega un estilo que complementa tu estilo diario.

A woman is comfortably holding a Galaxy S23 Ultra phone wearing a Silicone Case close to her ear. A close-up of the inside and outside of the case is shown.

Ajuste firme para mayor protección

La silicona suave garantiza un ajuste perfecto en tu smartphone, a la vez que reduce la posibilidad de rasguños, raspaduras o golpes no deseados.

The front and back side of the Silicone case are shown with detailed zoom-in of the edges shown around them.

Convertimos el desperdicio en recursos valiosos

Mientras protegés tu smartphone, también estás salvando el medioambiente. Podés ayudar a preservar los preciosos recursos de la Tierra comprando nuestro producto fabricado con materiales reciclados certificados por UL.

A recycling symbol with three arrows looping back on themselves clockwise is shown at the center. Various types of products made of plastic surrounds the symbol.
Back view of a Galaxy S23 Ultra device wearing a Silicone Case is shown surrounded by thick green leaves. The text reads PLASTIC OF SILICONE CASE (EF-PS918) CONTAINS A MINIMUM OF 19% POST - CONSUMER RECYCLED CONTENT.

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